Welcome to my new website! I'm so excited to have one online location for my performing activities.
Nate Golden of Golden Website Designs did a fantastic and efficient job for me. What a joy to work with a company that happily produces results ontime. Thank you Nate!
Just as I did back at my cabaret site, I'll post updates here at Where's Heidi once a month, probably still around the 15th of every month. Since I'll be on vacation on September 15 (Scotland!), I'll start this up in October. So plan to check back then for more information.
In the meantime, be sure to save Friday, October 23 at 8:00 pm. That's my next New Leaf Club cabaret performance. Music from Harold Arlen, Carole King, Loretty Lynn and a few others, plus some great stories will bring delight to your fall. Tickets will go on sale here the first week of September.
Also, I'll be teaching 2 yoga and voice workshops with Meg Townsend the same weekend.